Nice 2010

Nice 2010

Maddy and Daddy with the New Bike

Maddy and Daddy with the New Bike
So proud!

My Favorite Photo of Kurt

My Favorite Photo of Kurt
See the Twinkle-Maddy on the left, Mia (niece) on the right

Drivng in Daddy's Car '93 and David Birthday Dinner '09

Drivng in Daddy's Car '93 and David Birthday Dinner '09

He was with them all the way...

He was with them all the way...
Here's Kurt--he was skating with the Hawks

Electricity Out in on Spring Avenue

Electricity Out in on Spring Avenue

Monday, November 17, 2008


another long day at u of c. after meeting with the cardiologist he said my heart was healthy enough to resume chemo. he also said it was highly probable that i did have a minor heart attack on 9/26. when i went to e.r. on that monday it was with heart attack symptoms, but when they discovered the lump in my throat the diagnosis took a 180 degree turn. my oncologist said that i will have a bone marrow biopsy on tues. 11/25, and then be admitted on fri. 11/28 for the second round of chemo. i will be in the hospital for 5 to 6 days, although, i am now a "special " patient which could alter my stay. wish me luck and keep in your prayers. thanks again.


BigBroG said...

Thanks for the photo! Keep 'em comin'. Lots of prayers for your will to stay strong in the face of constant changed treatment and schedules as well as for your body to accept those treatments.



peter fasano said...

played hockey w/ my boys today. I need someone else out there who is slow Kurt, The munsters are calling. what if any turns are there going to be in treatment because of your heart? feel well my friend!

Aunt Bonnie and Uncle Bill said...

It was great seeing you, Jani, David and Maddy on Sunday. You look super!
Just keep staying strong and positive each day as you move ahead.
Our ongoing love and prayers are with you.

esiroin said...

Hey Kurt,

I finally figured out how to use your Blog. I'm sure Skin told you that you are in all our prayers. I started a "Verse of the day" email list during our RV trip and it is growing all the time. I also use the list for prayer requests and you have been on that for the last few weeks. Let me know if you would like your email to be added to the list. Stay strong and god bless,

Eddy Siroin

esiroin said...


My email address is



Netter said...

Kurt, hey man, just was forwarded your blog through an email from Johnny Carb's that came from Tomcat. Just wanted to let you know you are in our Prayers and thoughts. Stay strong friend. Tina and I are praying for you.


Steelheadmutha said...


Lookin sweet. You add the earring and the white T and it's all about the cleaning products.
K8T, MoCuishle` and I are saying prayers everyday for you and yours.
That bump last week was probably due to the anticipation of the Lowes car. Daytona is just a short winter away. No sweat.
Love in our hearts for you and the family. Salmon spawn in my freezer for the spring steelies. I;m saving you a spot on the river. Chad's driving.
Stay positive and KICK ASS!

Di&Rick said...

Even though we talk to you just about every day, we appreciate your writing on the blog. Although yesterday was a long day with the doctors, it brings you one day closer to your recovery. It was great to see you on Sunday and we're looking forward to seeing you soon. More turkey sandwiches to come ...

XOXOXOXO Love, Mom and Dad

carla Inwood said...

Hi Kurt: Guess my comments are always late, that's because I'm cooking, cleaning, sewing, and mostly praying all day. Good to hear from you yesterday, and hopefully will have a great Thanksgiving dinner for you. I'm off to the APPLE store for my lesson tomorrow and will learn how to change my 'bikini". Love you, TMILCJI