Nice 2010

Nice 2010

Maddy and Daddy with the New Bike

Maddy and Daddy with the New Bike
So proud!

My Favorite Photo of Kurt

My Favorite Photo of Kurt
See the Twinkle-Maddy on the left, Mia (niece) on the right

Drivng in Daddy's Car '93 and David Birthday Dinner '09

Drivng in Daddy's Car '93 and David Birthday Dinner '09

He was with them all the way...

He was with them all the way...
Here's Kurt--he was skating with the Hawks

Electricity Out in on Spring Avenue

Electricity Out in on Spring Avenue

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


saw the dr. today. same old, same old. waiting for the donor.


carla Inwood said...

Hey Kurt, is that an Audi??? I was with a bunch of art people Sunday and everyone around me had Audis. Too bad I didn't remember you had one or I would have acted like I know something. I know you have a collector type that is special Right??
Hope that Donor's on the way.
Love you, Carla

Fang said...

Hey Link - Fang here - how ya doin? Do you have a donor lined up? What is the deal as far as compatibility and how do people get tested to see if they are compatible with your requirements? You know, sorry to remind you of this and scare Jani, but you and me are a lot alike!!! Maybe our genetics are too. Hell, I'm selling plasma, so what the hell's a few gallons of bone marrow to me. (Just kidding about the plasma - not that desperate yet) - let me know and I'll go get tested down here. Your always on our minds and we're always pulling for you Bro - Fang