Nice 2010

Nice 2010

Maddy and Daddy with the New Bike

Maddy and Daddy with the New Bike
So proud!

My Favorite Photo of Kurt

My Favorite Photo of Kurt
See the Twinkle-Maddy on the left, Mia (niece) on the right

Drivng in Daddy's Car '93 and David Birthday Dinner '09

Drivng in Daddy's Car '93 and David Birthday Dinner '09

He was with them all the way...

He was with them all the way...
Here's Kurt--he was skating with the Hawks

Electricity Out in on Spring Avenue

Electricity Out in on Spring Avenue

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Please call first-post from jani

My apologies, doctors orders that Kurt needs to rest since he's been chit chattin' too much! Shocking, I know! I still think smiling faces and friends are a dose of good medicine. Kurt loves you all. So please call his cell before you come to see if he's up for a visit. If he doesn't answer, he's probably sleeping. Hopefully by the end of the week, he'll be feeling better and ready to watch more Blackhawks and violent movies. oxox jani


carla Inwood said...

hi kurt & Jani sleeping makes time go faster,that's good. Black Hawks are they still a team or are they reruns????
feel better soon and watch whatever you want. Love you Carla

BigBroG said...

don't call, he needs sleep. The dr. Said these are tough days for kurt. By mid-week he should be ready for visitors.

Poppies, poppies. That will make them sleep.