Nice 2010

Nice 2010

Maddy and Daddy with the New Bike

Maddy and Daddy with the New Bike
So proud!

My Favorite Photo of Kurt

My Favorite Photo of Kurt
See the Twinkle-Maddy on the left, Mia (niece) on the right

Drivng in Daddy's Car '93 and David Birthday Dinner '09

Drivng in Daddy's Car '93 and David Birthday Dinner '09

He was with them all the way...

He was with them all the way...
Here's Kurt--he was skating with the Hawks

Electricity Out in on Spring Avenue

Electricity Out in on Spring Avenue

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The latest - from Nurse Betty

Just an fyi Kurt isn't up for blogging so I will do my best to keep you informed. Friday he finished first round of chemo to get ready for the stem cell transplant. Currently he is getting platelets to get ready for a routine lumbar puncture. The next few days he will be monitored with antibiotics and antifungal to treat two viruses.

Next week they will start another round of different chemos for the transplant. The stem cell transplant has been moved to June 6th not June 3rd. They wanted a couple more days for his bone marrow to be completely empty for the new cells.

Coach Quenville called Kurt last week which was a thrill. He asked Kurt if there was anything he could do for him, and Kurt replied, bring home the Stanley Cup. Kurt was happy to see John Scannell who was in from Texas (along with Don Dieter). Kurt still has his sense of humor on top of his "loopiness" (I don't think that's in Websters.) He had Tammy and I laughing pretty hard about the musical CATS and how last year he should have been drinking while watching older adults prance around in nylon and spandex. He occasionally likes to (escape) unhook his tubes and walk to the local restaurants.

Kurt's still optimistic and plans to fight this battle. We're right behind him!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


what a differencs a 6 months maks.

Jani removed this photo. Let's not remember Kurt that way==I will find a good one!

it's offcal
I guess it's, like if you catch your drive off the tee, you get a free reload.
anyway, start chemo today. 2 different drugs, 4 hours each.
break tomorrow
back t0 the 2x4 regimin friday.
at which point, we'll have alot of alrternatives.
my 3rd birthday is coming up. june, 3 2009
wonder what to to do the january 21st one?

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Revised News - post from Jani

Good news, but revised...Kurt's stem cell transplant will take place on June 3rd. Today is when they received information from the worldwide donor bank. He had routine tests (heart, pulmonary, spinal tap) today to get prepared for the week of chemotherapy, then he will have a week for his counts to go down (killing all the white and red bloods cells) so the new, healthy baby cells (stem cells) can produce new, clean blood. Thanks for the prayers, keep them coming!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

5/16 transplant starts monday

great great great news. chemo monday, transplant a week from monday. beer on labor day! love you all

Monday, May 11, 2009


everything's going well. white blood counts are way down. waiting for the donor. love ya

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Saturday, May 9th-Back in the Hospital

Yesterday I kind of hit a rut in the road. After seeing the doctor every day this week and getting my blood drawn/counts, she felt it necessary to have daily draws over the weekend. So yesterday they started the procedures to check me in which didn't happen until the phone rang at 12:25am! We arrived at 10:00 today-- symptoms, aches, headaches, fatigue, high fever, cough, adverse affects from the oral chemo.

So here I am again for at least another week. We are patiently waiting for the donor to step forward. KEEP PRAYING, LOVE YOU ALL.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


saw the dr. today. the drugs seem to lowering my white blood counts. which is good. they doubled one of the medications. let's keep hoping.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


saw the dr. today. same old, same old. waiting for the donor.

Monday, May 4, 2009


saw the dr. today. it looks like the flt3 inhibitor is working. back on wed.

Sunday, May 3, 2009


enjoyed my weekend at home. feeling pretty good. back to the dr. tomorrow.